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by Ana Marcondes published Dec 09, 2021 12:21 PM, last modified Dec 09, 2021 12:21 PM

The concept of internationalization corresponds, in general, to a deliberate process of introducing international, intercultural or global dimensions into all aspects of higher education – teaching, research and extension. 

According to UNESCO, “higher education institutions around the world have a social responsibility to help development, through the increasing transfer of knowledge across borders, especially in underdeveloped countries, and working to find common solutions to promote the circulation of knowledge”. 

At UNESPAR, we understand that internationalization goes far beyond academic mobility, better known as university exchange, and must assume a cultural and social commitment. With this we hope to be able to contribute so that the entire academic community has the conditions and access to knowledge produced around the world without necessarily having to leave their country of origin. 

Thus, our ideals are in line with those from the perspective of Internationalization at Home (IaH), whose objective is to incorporate aspects that, at first, are considered only in cases of international mobility in domestic or local activities. As examples of IaH, we can highlight language courses offered by higher education institutions, subjects offered completely or partially in foreign languages, insertion of bibliographical references in other languages in the planning of subjects, indication of living authors/researchers as a reference and possibility of research, publication of scientific production in foreign languages, participation of students and professors in international events, organization of intercultural events, development of projects with the international partnership of professors or institutions abroad, among many other possibilities. 

In this way, the benefits of internationalization extend to the entire academic community: professors, students and university agents, in addition to the contribution to the circulation of knowledge, social, political and cultural aspects, as well as the dissemination and appreciation of local, regional and national culture.  

In this sense, it is important to highlight that internationalization should not be considered as an action to value what comes from abroad to the detriment of what is produced nationally in terms of scientific knowledge. On the contrary, the objective of internationalization is to provide environments for exchange, development of critical thinking, awareness and learning through the connection between local and global knowledge.